Clash of Clans – Clan Games #6


Clan Games #6 have concluded and it was a breeze. We were able to get the required 5000 medals in under a day. With this clan games only being a day long the rewards weren’t as good. Above you can see I scored a total of 800 out of 1000 medals which put me in 2nd in our clan, along with the rewards I chose. One of the big rewards that I’m glad to see make a return is the instant hero upgrade book, I plan to use this on my queen when I get enough dark elixir to upgrade her.

A quick update we lost our last war pretty bad, seems like we’re having a problem with getting all our clan members to attack in war. This war doesn’t look promising either, but we will see what we do in the final hours. If you know of any clans that could use a few new members comment below!

Clash of Clans – Clan Games #5


Above our the final results for Reddit Psi’s fifth clan games. We ended up with 21970 medals with my personal medal count at 2070 medals which got me third in the personal medal count rankings. My rewards are probably similar to a majority of people, the books and potion are obvious choices.

It does look like these clan games are going to become weekend exclusive, which adds something else to look forward to in the game. As always ill post any wars that happen, as well as next weekends clan games results!

Clan War – Reddit Psi vs. 300 Est. 2014


We managed to inch by 300 Est. 2014 by only four stars to get back to back wins in clan wars. This war wasn’t my best, I only ended up getting three total stars between my two attacks. We’re starting another war later tonight, as always I’ll be posting the results and possibly my two attacks to go along with them.


Also Clan Games are going on right now and I believe we will easily hit the 20,000 medal mark to get to Tier V rewards. I’ll be posting how we finish and what I decide to choose for our rewards.

Clan Games Results


Clan Games #4 is in the books and was the shortest one to date with only a day to achieve 5,000 medals. Reddit Psi managed to obtain 5,000 medals pretty easy, finishing at 7,550 medals. Because we got to 5,000 so quick, I didn’t need to go for medals as much. Above you can see the awards I chose to claim, the book and the magic spell being the most rare.

Also Clan Games #5 will take place in four days, and will hopefully last longer than just a day. It seems as Supercell is going to host these games each weekend which keeps me personally drawn into the game. We’re currently in a war, I’ll post the final results once the war concludes.